Monday, April 14, 2008

I Corinthians 3:16-17

We are the Temple of God, His precious Holy Spirit dwelling in us. I was reminded of that today, God is Amazing when i get quiet enough, God speaks...
Yesterday was a blast, I taught John 16:1-6 Jesus teaches on persecution, we had a amazing time. The study was kinda heavy but the hope was that Jesus has our other words Jesus says that's My Bride! so He is there in every situation. Then after the teaching I felt the Lord say offer an invite to be my disciples... I was like no way after a teaching like persecution and such.. no one will respond. The Lord impressed me again so I said I challenge you to Join me up front if you want to be His disciple and follow God with all of your heart. All the church came forward and I was blown away... I didn't know what to do... So we all prayed a prayer of commitment to Him.. Awesome!
So later on that day I had a opportunity to play laser tag at Nathalies work.. Lot's of fun and a great work out, so I thought how cool if we could get the whole church to play on one Sunday afternoon, just to hang out, fellowship and get some exercise... I don't think we have any over competitors in our church you (wink,wink) It will be fun...
Well don't forget we are in I Samuel 5 this Wednesday night, looking forward to what God wants to do...
God Bless
Love You

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